
Roundtable Circular Economy Austria - Jiangsu/China

On the occasion of the launch of the bilateral Call Jiangsu/Austria on Circular Economy a hybrid roundtable was organized with companies from Jiangsu and Austria.

In order to foster potential cooperations in F&D projects within the joint call, focusing on circular economy, companies from Austria and Jiangsu introduces themselves.

The themes they touched upon ranged from textile industry, over electronics, lightning, plastics recicling and artificial intelligence.

This event was organized by FFG in cooperation with JSTD and the Technology Office Beijing of the Austrain Embassy. to foster matchmaking and joint call applications.

The call is open until october 11th, 2023.






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An initiative by

Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK)

implemented by

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

in cooperation with

Advantage Austria