Media owner, publisher and producer:
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH)
1090 Vienna, Sensengasse 1
Registered at Vienna Commercial Court (Handelsgericht Wien): FN 252263a
Phone: +43 (0)5 7755 - 0
Fax: +43 (0)5 7755 - 97900
email: office(at)
Management Board:
Dr. Henrietta Egerth-Stadlhuber
Mag. Karin Tausz
> Supervisory Board, Advisory Committees and Management of FFG
Legal Basis:
The FFG was founded on 1 September 2004 (pursuant to the FFG Act on establishing a research promotion agency, Federal Law Gazette I No. 73/2004). The FFG is wholly owned by the Republic of Austria, represented by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW). As a provider of funding services, however, the FFG also works for other national and international institutions.
Declaration on the general direction of the media:
This Website has the purpose to support the implementation of FFG´s objectives and missions (in particular Sec. 3 of the FFG Act).
> Objectives and Missions of FFG
Dr. Iraklis Agiovlasitis; Alexander Kefer, BA; Mag. Ines Marinkovic; Mag. Michael Zimmermann.
Concept, design and programming
Expert Solutions Strahlhofer
Josef-Postl-Gasse 25
2332 Hennersdorf
An initiative by

implemented by

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