Are you looking to adapt your product or service to meet the demands of your international customers?
Our Tailored Innovation funding scheme supports the targeted development and international commercialisation of products and services.
As a result of contact with local stakeholders, you have the relevant insight into their specific needs and requirements and can target your product development accordingly.

Tailored Innovation can include elements of frugal innovation (e.g., reduced material input, reduced costs, adaptation, modification, etc.) and impact orientation (sustainability and social impact). It also supports the strongly needs-based development of new technologies in specific markets.

Tailored Innovation provides funding for RTI projects in all thematic areas
but specifically addresses the following fields:
- Energy transition
- Mobility transition
- Circular economy and
- Climate-neutral cities
The Tailored Innovation funding call 2023 ist closed.
A new funding call is scheduled for 2025.
Details on the last funding call (including the call guidelines) can be found on the FFG Website (in German only):
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